неділя, 26 лютого 2023 р.





The seventh year continues the phase of open aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine in the context of the civilization war of the Kremlin (East) against the EU (West). And the seventh year cannot but be surprised at the naivety of those against whom aggression or abuse is carried out. It is not a mystery that Vladimir Putin wants to destroy the European Union by reviving the Moscow Empire on the territory of the former USSR, destroying all those who are ready to confront it – the Baltic countries, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan, and Moldova. As for others, perhaps they will not resist very much (Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, Tadzhikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan), but are they so interesting for the Kremlin as those in West?

 In the modern Moscow region, once again awarded the medals “For the Return of Crimea”1. However, the true value of such things is spelled out in the “Russian rubles” on the website “World of Faleristics”2. Here, in particular, we will see that each medal or difference has its own price. For example, the “Medal of 5 Years of the Reunion of Crimea with Russia (2014-2019)” is estimated at 499 rubles, or 167 UAH, or almost 6 US dollars, or 5 Euros.

 Doctor of Science in Social Communications, Full Professor, Professor at the Department of Foreign Press and Information Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine

1 http://surl.li/mmdq

2 https://www.mir-faleristiki.ru/

There are many other «insignia» and «awards». For example, those depicted on screens further, and those that relate not only to the annexation of Crimea, but also to Donbass, where it seems that there were no Russian soldiers.

And in a situation where high politics is unable or unwilling to resolve the issue by peaceful measures, when the parity of the participants is ignored, the military chaos unleashed by Moscow, instilled in the Donbass and Crimea, becomes dominant. For the seventh year, Russia is de facto in a state of war against Ukraine, albeit not officially recognized, but with cannon, tank shelling, with trained snipers, with multiple rocket launchers (Grad, Hurricane), with electronic reconnaissance, and most importantly, with tens of thousands of killed, wounded, with a bullet.

In a state of permanent war against Ukraine, Moscow for hundreds of litas. In the twentieth century. Extermination took place under the auspices of «dispossession», the organization of collective farms and state farms. When such a plan did not work, in 1932-1933. Mainly in Ukraine and in the territories dominated by the Ukrainian population, Moscow staged a genocide of Ukrainians. As a result of the Holodomor, at least seven million Ukrainians, mainly peasants, died.

Against the background of the destruction of the national core among people who remained alive, although they were not always ready to admit that they were Ukrainians, the Bolshevik party took up the so-called. industrialization. As a cheap labor force, prisoners and former prisoners were best suited. They were brought in hundreds of thousands to the Donbass and Crimea for the construction of steelworks and work in mines. These people really did not need the Ukrainian language, which before the Holodomor reigned in the vicinity of Yuzivka and other cities. So the Soviet regime for decades emasculated the national essence and the human core, the remnants of dignity. So the «Soviet man» was formed – «homo sovieticus», in fact a mancurt who cares who he is, who his parents are, what his future is.

Therefore, today it is not surprising the position of nostalgia for the USSR from the Mankurts and their descendants, who are most of all – this has happened historically – it is in Crimea and the Donbass, who are used to myths and are not able to assess the situation on their own, without Russian television (we recall that, by decree of V. Putin of 2014, television is also troops!). But each time it is more surprising to serve the invaders from the part of society that should not resemble any shit, should not be «dirt», «foot» of Moscow, but should be the wake of national consciousness, patriotism... And when this is not the case, the idea of treason, about a conscious choice in favor of the enemy.

In the case of family-godfather relations, the Putin-Medvedchuk model does not surprise anyone. These people are very connected. But should Ukrainian journalists sell their soul and body to please employers? And should the leaders of the EU countries (France, Italy, the Czech Republic, etc.) pretend that nothing has changed, that there is no geopolitical transformation of Eurasia during Moscow's hybrid war against the West, resorting to advice on reconciliation, understanding and resumption of dialogue with the Kremlin? Questions are rhetorical, but let me remind myself that a similar policy of reconciliation against Hitler-Nazi Germany in the late 30s. XX century already took place and ended with World War II. It seems that history does not teach everyone the way it should...

To illustrate my opinion, I recall Decree of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky №43/2021 «On the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine of February 2, 2021 On the application of personal special economic and other restrictive measures (sanctions)» of February 2, 2021 (https://www.president.gov.ua/documents/432021-36441), which imposed sanctions on Taras Kozak, a citizen of Ukraine, associate Viktor Medvedchuk, and part According to the decision, the activities of three television channels are prohibited – NewsOne, ZIK and «112 Ukraine». The NSDC calls the reasons for this step cooperation and co-financing from illegitimate entities in the Donbass and inciting national discord on television because of statements about the so-called civil conflict in Ukraine, the need to negotiate with the Russian Federation and, it seems, the desire of Ukraine to continue the war with both fraternal Russian and its own people.

Opponents of such a decision are representatives of the «Opposition Platform - for Life» («pro-Russian political party in Ukraine» (http://surl.li/hkgx), their political allies and controlled media, like all Russian propaganda, impute both the NSDC and the President excessive powers, insufficient reasoning, restriction of freedom of speech and the like. In my opinion, such a decision is correct, but it was made very late. It was on time even not in the fall of 2018 when the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine was defined and recommended the relevant document for the signature to the President Petro Poroshenko, and in spring  2014 when ideas of “Russsian spring” and «Novorossiya» were circulating in Ukrainet, that is, when the degree of boiling in interstate Russian-Ukrainian relations crossed all borders, when Moscow propaganda and local collaborators inflated separatism in Ukraine («Putin – come!», «Putin – bring in troops», «We hut in Russey», «Kiev junta», «Fascism will not come» etc.). True, until 2018, T. Kozak was not the owner of any of the mentioned television channels. So, the previous owners of «NewsOne» are Vadim Rabinovich and Evgeny Muraev, and T. Kozak acquired ownership of it in October 2018, on «112 Ukraine» (http://surl.li/mvkn) – in December, on ZIK (http://surl.li/mvkt) – in June 2019 (until that time belonged to Peter Dyminsky).

When it comes to the fact that adequate and decisive steps on the part of the NSDC and the President of Ukraine should have been timely, and not six to seven years late, then this does not mean the person of a specific politician against whom sanctions have been imposed, but the content, content of television or radio during this time. Until 2019, the ZIK channel was not pro-Russian, but positioned itself as a platform for investigative journalism. But there were other mass media that consistently introduced tension and sowed anger. Since there were no adequate steps on the part of official Kiev, the policy of protecting the national information space was not implemented, permissiveness was actually encouraged, the spread of information chaos, collaborators became by no means less.

In the context of statements by various people about the alleged violation of freedom of speech, I wanted to parry: would comrade Joseph Stalin, who is so honored by the Kremlin's latest propaganda, allow representatives of Adolf Hitler to polemize on the radio? Or vice versa! Standards of journalism, of course, always exist. But journalism cannot be considered total political propaganda, the imposition of ideology and manipulation of consciousness! These things are obvious to most, but not to everyone!

Therefore, I support the decision of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine, President V. Zelensky, but I consider it half-hearted and incomplete. Pro-Russian political forces have accumulated not only in these three rating television channels, but also in many regional mass media, including print media, which continue to function successfully, incite enmity, talking about the need to restore the Soviet Union (Great Russia), about the only correct faith – Moscow Orthodox, in my opinion, there should be general criteria for protecting against foreign information influence on the political establishment and public opinion in Ukraine. As for me, everyone who intervenes in the internal affairs of Ukraine – with their non-track advice and restrictions - from the East or the West, should understand that Ukraine is, Ukraine will not be silent and will not stick its head into someone else's loop, that during the hybrid war of Russia against the West Ukraine – also the subject, and not only the object of political law, not only the arena of aggravation of relations

Despite the fact that, I as the citizen am surprised by a position of the Chairman of the National union of journalists of Ukraine Sergey Tomilenko (http://surl.li/mvrq) who, like the pro-Russian politicians, considers that Ukraine should be made responsible for... approach to freedom of speech... Offensively for me and for the item of Tomilenko, both for NSZhU, and for many members of this organization who, in silence conditions of keeping, actually share a position of the chairman and politicians of the country aggressor. Separate voices of journalists about it (for example, Olga Gerasymyuk), that S. Tomilenko's statement doesn't reflect a position of members of the Union gives hope for gradual understanding of the main point (http://surl.li/mvmz), however it would be desirable that it occurred much quicker and more massively.

After introduction of sanctions and the termination of air on Donbass the next aggravation takes place: because of activization of the Russian mercenaries, mainly snipers, there are more killed and wounded Ukrainian soldiers. The president Leonid Kravchuk, the Head of the Ukrainian delegation in tripartite contact group on peaceful settlement of a situation in the east of Ukraine, connects these events among themselves, sees between them communication – «War won't end, so far Europe and the USA won't force Russia out from Donbass and the Crimea (27.02.2021» (http://surl.li/mvot). On this background the media managers of Ukraine, the European politicians have to be a single whole against the Russian aggression, but isn't present... The president of France Emmanuel Macron, considers that on other questions (except Ukraine and Navalny where the position of the EU has to remain consecutive, in the relations with the Russian Federation the European party has to conduct comprehensive dialogue, his politician it is directed to restoration and continuation of dialogue with Russia, «Europe and the Russian Federation have the general history and culture, are geographical neighbors» (http://surl.li/mvpg).

I won't polemize with E. Macron, but I assume that the best illustration of the mentioned dialogue of EU-Russia are the following figures (unfortunately, for 2019): Income from export was reduced (because price of oil was lower, than in previous years), however was 66.88 billion US dollars. Revenues of Gazprom – 41, 63 billion US dollars, export of liquefied natural gas (here growth half!) – 7.92 billion US dollars (http://surl.li/mvqk). Total – 116.43 billion US dollars. And so annually (figures change a little, but it isn't lower than 100 billion US dollars)! Here the real price to the anti-Russian sanctions – financing of the Moscow board for hundreds of billions dollars and refusal in financial aid to Ukraine. Masks are taken off, conclusions are obvious.

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