субота, 25 лютого 2023 р.




Marian Zhytaryuk,

Doctor of Science in Social Communications, Full Professor, Head of Department of Foreign Press and Information Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine, https://orcid.org/0000-000 2-5690-5701

Victoria Zhytaryuk,

Master of Journalism, translation from Ukrainian, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3570-4521

Abstract. The civilizational war of the russian federation against the Western democratic world, which began with aggression against the disobedience of neighboring Ukraine, which chose the Western vector of development, is gaining momentum. It would seem that in the 21st century global conflicts over territories are almost impossible, it is the time for the fourth-generation of warbut we can see that russia has various means in its arsenal, including weapons of mass destructionaerial bombs, artillery, aviation, missile attacks, nuclear blackmail, rewriting history and ordinary lies.

To show the depth of the problem, an analysis of the speeches of dmitry medvedev (former president) and vladimir putin (current president of russia) on the day of national unity of the russian federation, on November 4, 2022 was made using the methods of comparison, refutation, political, journalistic, philological and mental analysis and visualization (photo, video). It shows that official moscow is not ready to retreat, but will go to the end, destroying Ukraine and Ukrainians, destroying the European Union, NATO, the USA, Great Britain, in order to establish a new world regime on its own terms.

Keywords: war of the russian federation in Ukraine, d. medvedev, v. putin, the war against the West, the war between Good and Evil

On the day of national unity of the russian federation, November 4, 2022, deputy chairman of the security council of russia dmitry medvedev gave “answers to simple questions”. EADaily and many other Internet resources and mass media publish this “masterpiece” text by medvedev “We rebelled against the lord of hell and gained sacred power”. In short, it means that the rest of the world, outside of russia, is pagan: without faith, homeland, morality, so these are simple questions, and there are simple and unambiguous answers to simple questions. It does not matter that in this way – with a barbaric war against Ukraine and the West, as if in a prehistoric era, the kremlin has completely broken the world order after the Second World War, crossed out international political agreements, neglected legal principles and denied moral imperatives, that is, the entire state of civilization and democratic choice, which existed until February 24, 2022.

d. medvedev no longer talks about the special operation of the modern horde, which he represents, in Ukraine, about the so-called denazification, demilitarization of the “Kyiv junta”, but, like v. putin, who constantly raises the level of tension, says that russia is at war. For what is it exactly? He says that russia does not need foreign territories, “we have enough of everything”2. Then there is a question: Don’t the dirty boots of russian soldiers in Kyiv region, Zhytomyr region, Chernihiv region, Sumy region, Kharkiv region, Zaporizhzhia, Dnipropetrovsk region, Kherson region, Donetsk region, Luhansk region, Crimea testify to something else, just a war for territory? A person who shamelessly lies, especially as he is the president of the russian federation (2008-2012), the head of the government of the russian federation (2012-2020), the leader of the pro-government party “united russia”3, as well as other russian officials, diplomats, deputies and ministers, says that “there is our land, which is sacred to us, on which our ancestors lived and on which our people live today. And which we will not give to anyone”. He does not explain what kind of land he is talking about. According to the logic of the recent actions of the russian federation and military events, it can be assumed that it is about the long-suffering Ukraine, but I would not be sure of this. According to the invaders, russian land is everywhere where, as they used to say, russian citizens live: Moldova (unrecognized Transnistria), Georgia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, finally – the entire former Soviet Union. Today, they consider as their own not only russian citizens, but also all those who speak russian: it is not only about Slavic countries (Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Montenegro), but also about countries of Western Europe, Israel, the USA, etc. Therefore, the russian language (the tongue, as they call the language) is also a weapon, toxic and terrible. The crazy statesmen in the kremlin, their priests and public activists mark “their own” in the whole world with that “tongue”.

Let’s assume that the invaders would have succeeded in overcoming the resistance of the Ukrainians and Ukraine would have stopped defending itself, as the russian political elites had planned on the eve of the invasion, when they shouted about “Kyiv in three days”. Would this entire russian-speaking horde (not russians, but a mixture of russian speakers, a mixture of speakers of the “tongue”) of a hundred peoples and nationalities enslaved by the moscow empire have stopped at the borders of the European Union? In my opinion, the question is rhetorical. They do not know how to stop themselves. They only stop when they are stopped. Everything is always not enough for them. As in the 13th-14th centuries, when, according to the official version of history, the Mongol-Tatar tribes conquered almost the whole of Eurasia. But then they were the direct ancestors of modern muscovites, the Kipchaks-Polovts, who lived not in present-day Mongolia, but in modern russia. According to the Arab historian Ibn Fadlallah Elomari (XIV century)4, the horde consisted of Tatars and Kipchak-Polovts, not Mongoloids, but Europeans – blond, light-eyed, not narrow-eyed5.

In this context, I recall my meeting with vladimir zhirinovsky in the summer of 1991. Self-confident impudent man after his speech at the meeting of the Society of Fools (I even wrote an article about it in the newspaper “Molod Ukrainy” with a circulation of 848,000 copies), patted me on the shoulder and said: “Young man. I don’t know if I will live up to my dream, but you will see how a russian soldier will wet his boots simultaneously in four oceans, from England to India. Everything will be great russia!”. At that time I openly scoffed, did not attach much importance to this nonsense but I remembered v. zhirinovsky later, when he entered the state duma as the leader of the LDPR (liberal democratic party of russia) and during the reign of v. putin and d. medvedev he repeatedly attracted attention to himself with scandalous statements, voicing seemingly completely unthinkable narratives6.

When v. zhirinovsky was alive, he gave away a lot of things – everything that wanted and could announce the kremlin. It seems that today d. medvedev has taken over this role, although in his rhetoric of recent months, the bunkerman himself has also become similar to it. So, “we are fighting for all our people, for our land, for a thousand-year history”7. Lies upon lies! Who are all these “ours” whom russia has come to kill and rob on Ukrainian land and may want to kill outside Ukraine, if russia (the wild East) does not lose in the confrontation (with the West), first of all in terms of civilization? Where is your land? Is it Udmurtia, Sakha, Tatarstan? Or is it Kazakhstan, Caucasus, Ukraine? And what thousand-year history we are talking about? Isn’t it about the history of Rus (Ukraine-Rus)? Even in moscow history textbooks it is stated: “the formation of the moscow state was completed at the end of the 15th – the beginning of the 16th century, and the formation of the great russian nation – in the 16th century”8. The name “russia” was introduced by pyotr the first in 1721.

In the end, the mythologeme of “thousand-year history” in the minds of such russian fascists like alexander dugin, chauvinists and populists like vladimir zhiri-novsky, court russian scientists merged into a continuous sur and the parallel reality of their bad students – vladimir putin and dmitry medvedev, who do not only show off their own ignorance, but try to play the role of not ordinary primary school teachers, and even pretend to be professors of the Sorbonne, Cambridge or Harvard, whose teachings Olaf Scholz, Emmanuel Macron and other political leaders of the modern world have to listen for hours.

Many scientific publications have already appeared on the topic of Ukrainian history stolen by the russians, the name of the state, numerous speculations on this topic. But I am impressed by the research and civil view of Iryna Kostenko and Iryna Khalupa “How did moscovy become russia? It was published on the “Radio Liberty” portal on October 21, 2021 and was dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the “theft” of the name of the Ukrainian people”. They write: “300 years ago, on October 22, 1721, tsar peter the first proclaimed the moscow kingdom as the “russian empire”, and moscovites as “russians”. Such a change in the name of the moscow state posed a serious challenge to the identity of the Ukrainian people”9. Allow me to quote some other quotes from their text:

Ivan Drach, writer: “The name Rus was torn from the heart of Kyiv by the iron hand of peter”.

Mykhailo Hrushevskyi, academician, historian: “We are a people whose name was stolen”.

Yaroslav Dashkevych, professor, historian: “moscovites essentially borrowed the name Rus, which in its specific meaning – ethnic, geographical, structural- fully corresponds to the modern term Ukraine… This gave moscovites, although fake, but still, the scene of a cultural, civilized state with an ancient historical tradition, with the Byzantine-Kiev church metrics”.

Hryhoriy Pivtorak, academician: “catherine the second tried to learn the history of her state on the basis of written sources provided to her – chronicles and other documents of moscow antiquity. The true history of moscovite shocked her, because it was lame and very poor. The tsaricia was especially impressed by the fact that the mighty state of Rus, whose glory thundered throughout the world for three centuries and whose princes were considered an honor to be related to the kings of France, Hungary, Sweden… as it turned out, had no relation to moscovy”.

By the order of catherine the second, the russian empress, who destroyed the Ukrainian Cossacks and whose monument still stands in Odesa, in 1783-1792 the “Commission for the compilation of notes on ancient history, predominantly russian” (our emphasis – M. Zh.) operated. This is how “a new frame of the history of the russian empire” was built, “fastening its origin to Princely Rus”10. Despite the historical truth, this “commission affirmed the right of russians to the political and cultural heritage of Rus, and declared its entire population to be a “one nation”. The “great historian” catherine the second carefully read the materials of the commission and personally compiled the genealogy of the Kiev and moscow princes. At the same time, on the instructions of the empress, a revision of all ancient primary sources was conducted – some were corrected, others were rewritten, and the third – the most dangerous for the empire – were destroyed”11.

The old version of moscovite history was transformed into a new version of russia, which never existed before and which really had no history. And these complete fabrications, lies, and delusions became the basis of the so-called standard historical works on moscovite: Karamzin Nikolai. History of the russian state (in 12 volumes)12; Soloviev Sergey. History of russia since ancient times (in 29 volumes)13. This is how the “myths about the cradle of three fraternal nations and the fact that “Kyiv Rus” was the first russian state” were propagated14.

We are impressed by the opinion of Alexander Brickner, a professor at the University of Berlin, expressed in his “History of peter the great”15: “A primitive people nurtured by mongolian khans with a meager, oriental cultural heritage suddenly turned into an ancient European people with a rich heritage”.

Yevgen Nakonechny, historian: “The entire russian cultural tradition loses its roots in separation from Kyiv. The process of the formation of the russian people, the beginning of russian statehood, the church, the russian language, literature, law, etc., looks completely different. Then the russians will have to, so to speak, rewrite their metrics, change their passports and write a new biography”16.

Oleksandr Solzhenitsyn was also right when he wrote in the book “russia in Collapse”: “It’s terible that russia is something else, not what we have imagined”17.

In this context, we are convinced of the truthfulness of the words of Pyotr Chaadaev18, who in the 30s of the XIX century wrote: “We (russians – M. Zh.) live only in the most limited present, without past and future, in the midst of dead stagnation. We belong to those nations that seems to be outside the human race, and exist only to teach the world some important lesson”19.

Thus, in its desire to dominate at the expense of its neighbors, the russian federation continues to educate everyone, interpreting past and present events in a favorable light, manipulatively imposing propaganda narratives.

On the same day, November 4, 2022, v. putin. added in the same style as d. medvedev.

I quote: “russia has treated and is treating the Ukrainian people with warmth, despite the confrontation”20. The Genocide of the Ukrainian people, when millions of Ukrainians were forced to emigrate abroad and to migrate inside Ukraine, when millions live under shelling without gas, water, light, communication, when hundreds of thousands were forced to join the Armed Forces of Ukraine to defend their native land, democratic and civilizational values of the West, and hundreds of thousands more (we must also take into account the occupied territories: as of the beginning of November, for example, Mariupol, Severodonetsk, Lysychansk, etc.) killed, deported. All this, according to the definition of the kremlin dictator, is called a “warm” attitude! The cynicism and lies of moscow and its supporters have always been and remain a means of historical manipulation. Earlier – for the sake of conquest and expansion of moscow’s possessions, which turned into the russian empire, and today, to transform world geopolitical processes and dominate others.

The collision of the russian federation with the neo-Nazi regime of Ukraine was inevitable”21, – the racist and national-chauvinist führer of moscow shouts, accusing Ukrainians of Nazism. If we assume that neo-nazi regime in Ukraine really exists, as the kremlin leaders and the information forces of the russian federation (zombie troops) claim, then it is not entirely clear why russia treats Ukrainians “with warmth”, as stated in the previous quote. At the very least, it is bifurcation, a loss of sense of reality, and in fact, political schizophrenia as a consequence of a deep paranoid syndrome, when russians and their leaders constantly see enemies who seek to destroy them without fail.

It is Ukraine, the Ukrainian people, who are the first and main victim of the deliberate sublimation of hatred towards russians, towards russia” (v. putin). Here again, there is a facts substitute – in the attitude towards russians and towards russia as a state. The sign of equality, identification is a vulgarization of the assessment of the situation. Before the full-scale war, despite the fact that the war in the Ukrainian Donbas lasted for almost 8 years and Crimea was annexed, Ukrainians treated ordinary russian people and the criminal moscow government differently. As for the russians, we, the Ukrainians, wondered why they tolerate it, why they don’t fight for themselves, why they support the executioner? Our people often felt sorry for the russians. As for the military and political leadership of the russian federation, the situation has really drastically changed for the worse. In addition, it is appropriate to talk, on the contrary, about the deliberate sublimation of the russians’ hatred towards Ukrainians, who call us “Khokhlas”, “Banderivtsi”, who take us for foolish children who allegedly refused their “russian origin”.

In this context, I remembered Ivan, a truck driver who used to work on a bus. Already after the events of 2014, I asked him why has he continued to go to work in russia (he worked somewhere in Nizhnevartovsk, either with gas or oil workers, in Siberia, on a shift basis – for three months at a time)? He answered than: “What is here to do? How is it possible to live for 200-250 dollars monthly salary? What difference does it make where to earn a penny? There are people here, and there are there…”. Today, Ivan serves in the Armed Forces, as does his son Maksym. During a short vacation I continued the previous conversation and asked him, does he still think the same way as before? And he answered“No, they are not people, but murderers, rapists, marauders! I went to work to them, because there was no one to work there, and they came to kill us!”. There are thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of people like Ivan! Those who understood what happened after February 24. The seller on OLX from the Kharkiv region, who made LED lamps for the car battery to my order so that the apartment had light, said in a phone conversation that he was russian, always spoke only russian, watched russian TV channels, voted for pro-russian parties, but neither he nor his friends expected v. putin and his soldiers in Ukraine. Now he is studying Ukrainian so that do not to communicate in russian. How a Ukrainian russian hates the russian invaders.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking how things are changing. In 2006, at the invitation of the deputy chairman of the Union of Ukrainians of moscow, Viktor GirzhovI came to belokamyiana, where I spoke at the presentation of my book of translations into Ukrainian of works by Pyotr Chaadayev. I had prepared a speech in russian, but everywhere I was asked to speak Ukrainian, because where else can you hear the nightingale language? At that time, the National Cultural Center of Ukraine in moscow (9 Arbat St.), blocked in 2016, and the Library of Ukrainian Literature, created by the forces of the Ukrainian community in 1989 and liquidated in 2017, were functioning in the russian capital. And what other Ukrainian centers – educational, cultural, media existed in moscow and moscovy? There were none! More than a million Ukrainians lived in moscow, but they had no Ukrainian kindergartens, no Ukrainian schools, no Ukrainian universities, no Ukrainian newspapers, no Ukrainian theaters, magazines, radio or television! The Ukrainians of moscovy obeyed, because it was accepted, because they were equally considered as “one nation”. And there was no open con-demnation of the humiliation of the Ukrainian nationality by those who lived and worked in russia temporarily, on earnings, nor by those who remained to live there on a permanent basis after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The rapid reassessment, awakening was stimulated precisely by v. putin and his associates after 2014. Most Ukrainians began to wake up from a lethargic sleep, as if hearing Leonid Kuchma’s call that Ukraine is not russia. What v. putin now calls the sublimation of hatred towards russia is the reaction of Ukrainians to the actions of russian politicians, propagandists, and the military.

Reflecting on these and many others facts, I catch myself thinking that the kremlin leadership had little to do before the full absorption of Ukraine through cultural expansion, if it was carried out the way China is doing in the same russian federation. If Ukrainians were not humiliated, if they were allowed to use their native language for education, science, culture and mass media in russia itself, if they did not kill Ukrainians for their native language in Donetsk, if the russians did not annex Crimea and attack Ukraine in 2022. They say that “if” doesn’t count. It’s true. Now v. putin and his gang have really awakened Ukrainian hatred of themselves and everything russian, which approves of the actions of a war criminal, which blesses its children for war and which, in papal robes, sanctifies nuclear missiles “Satan”. All this has opened the Pandora’s box, so it is appropriate to expect the fulfillment of the Chinese wisdom that you should sit on the bank of the river until its waters carry away the body of your enemy. The present russian federation, weakened and bloodied by future internal wars, will turn into moscovy (russia within European borders). New states will be formed (a parade of sovereignties). China will expand; it will simply return its historical lands, following the kremlin’s rhetoric. In this sense, russia’s war of attrition is very beneficial to China.

The following quote from putin’s speech: “The conflict in Ukraine is essentially a confrontation within one nation”22. It resonates with his previous speeches, with the historical assessment of the catherine’s commission, which rewrote history and stole the name and history of Rus with its center in Kyiv.

v. putin’s dream that “the West is trying to “knock the ground out” from under russia’s feet, but these attempts are doomed to failure”23 is just the delusion of a madman, the desire to make wishful thinking come true. russia’s aggression has only united the West, NATO has expanded and came closer to moscow’s borders. I mean the accession of Sweden and Finland to the Alliance, the rapid reaction of NATO forces has increased their presence on the Eastern European flank tenfold, the leaders of the USA, Germany and even France have made statements that the victory of the russian federation cannot be allowed. Thus, the kremlin is in a zugzwang. It would seem that we should try to draw the right conclusions, but we continue to hear calls for war against the whole world.

In the same message dated November 4, d. medvedev states: “We are fighting against those who hate us, who prohibit our language, our values, and even our faith, who instill hatred towards the history of our Motherland”24. Concepts of love and hatred, from the point of view of philology, are abstract concepts. It can be a figment of imagination, a feeling, not reality. So should we fight because of a sick imagination? What ban on russian language are we talking about? Where exactly, in Ukraine? As far as I know, it has never been banned in our country, but, on the contrary, excessively tolerated, although they tried to raise the level of prestige of Ukrainian language at the official level. No one has banned the russian orthodox church (although it should be done), although people understand that it is not a church, but a branch of the federal security service of the russian federation in Ukraine: during searches of the metropolitans in Vinnytsia and Kropyvnytskyi this autumn, bank cards of russian banks, propaganda materials against official Kyiv, calls for unity with moscow were found. There are also known facts of finding of weapons in churches and monasteries of this sect of the russian federation in Ukraine. The fictional, stolen and appropriated history of Kiev Rus has been mentioned above. But in this video25, on the background of an iconostasis and missiles (see screenshot), a moscovite peep justifies military aggression with God’s love, which provides punishment for the sins and disobe-dience of Ukrainians, for the desire to join the EU and move away from russia…

And there are many such proofs of serving the kremlin by the moralizing priests. moscovite priests even teach how to load a machine gun, because “this war is sacred” for them26.

A part of the dying world is against us today. This is a bunch of crazy nazi drug addicts, a people drugged and intimidated by them and a large pack of dogs from the western kennel. There is a motley bunch of grunting piggies and not-so-distant philistines from the collapsed western empire, with them drooling down their chins from degeneracy. They have no faith and ideals, except for their own invented obscene habits and the standards of double-thinking they instilled, which deny the morality given to normal people. That is why, haven risen against them, we gained sacred power”27, – the former president of the russian federation talks like this, as if from a hangover, as if after an overdose. The support of the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian people against external invaders by the partner countries is called here as a pack of dogs and pigs. Here is the real price of moscow handshakes and paper contracts! Morality is also mentioned in this speech, which allows the Hordes to acquire sacred power in this way. But what is the morality? In rapes of children and pensioners in Kyiv region and Kharkiv region, in murders of pregnant women, in robberies?

 d. medvedev calls his former partners “casual companions, clingers and squatters” who, being “cowards, traitors and greedy defectors”, “dumped for thirty-nine lands”, so “let their bones rot in a foreign land. They are not among us, but we have become stronger and cleaner”28. It is not entirely clear who is meant: international partners or russian oligarchs. But it is obvious that cleansing from these non-partners somehow made the kremlin stronger. That is, one warrior in the field? Although it is not quite so. russia has friends – Belarus, the China and Iran. Moreover, they are reliable and decisive. They transfer ballistic missiles with a range of 800 km to moscow’s allies, while the USA transfers missiles with a range of up to 80 km to the Ukrainians, that is ten times less range. In this regard, the American writer, publicist, political scientist of russian origin Andriy Piontkovskyi even suggested that Iran is a more reliable ally for the russian federation than the USA is for Ukraine29.

To the question “Why were we silent for a long time?” d. medvedev answers: “We were weak and devastated by the hard times. And now we have shaken off the sticky sleep and melancholy gloom of the last decades, into which the death of the former Motherland plunged us. Other countries raped by the lords of darkness, slave owners and oppressors, who dream of their terrible colonial past and seek to preserve their power over the world were waiting for our awakening… And when the rotten world order collapses, it will bury all its proud priests, bloodthirsty adepts, mocking servants and speechless mankurts”30 under a multi-ton mass of its ruins. This is such a “vinaigrette”. It turns out that now, when the russian federation has remained in actual isolation, they have become strong, so strong that they are ready to lead other peoples who, being “raped by the lords of darkness” and “slave owners”, were waiting for the awakening of moscovites in order to reject and change the established order of things after the Second World War, including geopolitics (“rotten world order”), democratic values, universal priorities. In other words, there must be an endless wara civilizational abyss under the guise of a holy war, just to satisfy their own historical, religious, cultural, political ambitions.

More to come. Reminding that in russia “there is an ability to send all enemies to the hell of fire”, alluding to nuclear weapons, d. medvedev reassures the world: “but this is not our task”. And what about the previous threats from his own mouth? Some cognitive dissonance. “We hear the words of the Creator in our hearts and listen to them. These words give us a sacred purpose. The goal is to stop the supreme ruler of hell, no matter what name he uses – Satan, Lucifer or the Devil. Because his goal is death. Our goal is life”31. Evidently, the kremlin leaders consider themselves the chosen people, because they, unlike others, hear and listen to the words of the Creator, who, according to their logic, gave authority to the moscovites to fight against the evil one, which represents, as you can understand, the entire democratic Western world. In a word, God wants the blood of the West, and the only ones who can shed this blood for the sake of the future life are the russian-speaking fanatics, whose “weapon is truth”, therefore “victory will be ours”32.

The well-known Ukrainian publicist and analyst Vitaly Portnikov also com-mented on what d. medvedev said: “medvedev’s “creativity” – from articles about Ukraine to short texts in “VKontakte” – is the result of well-thought-out tactics of the kremlin press services and the same “signal” policy that should demonstrate the nearest intentions of the russian leadership. Even the philological analysis of medvedev’s speech demonstrates that he was worked on by specialists who were ordered to turn the theme of the war in Ukraine into a conflict between Good and Evil. russia, of course, is on the side of Good. And fights with the Devil”33.

An analysis of the kremlin leaders’ military-strategic narratives about Ukraine, the West, and the sacred war between Good and Evil, without a doubt, shows the inadequacy and detachment of moscow politicians at the highest echelon of power from reality. Their aggressive and false rhetoric based on historical manipulations and maniacal efforts to transform the world order suggest that the kremlin will not stop on its own. Someone must stop him just as decisively: either Ukraine or Ukraine’s allies. Sanction policy against the russian federation, political statements and words of support for Ukraine, even assistance with military equipment and finances may not be enough, because all these are certain procedures, a waste of time, and time today is the greatest value.

List of references

  1. russia’s new ally provides more reliable and powerful support for aggressor country than USA does for Ukraine – Piontkovskiy // ТСН. 06.11.2022. URL: https://tsn.ua/en/ato/russia-s-new-allyprovides-more-reliable-and-powerful-support-for-aggressor-country-than-usa-does-for-ukrainepiontkovskiy-2196001.html; укр.: https://tsn.ua/politika/rosiya-znayshla-dlya-sebe-nadiynishogo-ta-mogutnishogo-soyuznika-nizh-ssha-dlya-ukrayini-piontkovskiy-2195575.html

  2. Брикнер Александер. История петра великого. Т. 1-2. СПб., 1882.

  3. З творів Ібнфадлаллаха Еломарі // Збірка матеріалів, що належать до історії Золотої Орди. СПб., 1884. Т. 1.

  4. Заяви в. путіна 22.11.2022 р. URL: https://web.telegram.org/k/#-1172830166. Див. і відео: http://surl.li/douih.

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  6. Костенко Ірина, Халупа Ірина. Як московія стала росією? До 300-ліття “викрадення” назви українського народу // Радіо Свобода. 2021. 21 жовт. URL: https://www.radiosvoboda.org /a/ukrayina-rus-i-moskoviya/31521000.html

  7. медведев, дмитрий анатольевичURLhttp://surl.li/aixfb

  8. медведев: Мы восстали против властелина ада и приобрели сакральную мощьURL: https://eadaily.com/ru/news/2022/11/04/medvedev-my-vosstali-protiv-vlastelina-ada-i-priobreli-sakralnuyu-moshch

  9. Мобилизация. жириновский знал // ЛДПР-ТВ. URLhttps://www.youtube.com/watchv=h2MkefpRwBc&ab_channel=%D0%9B%D0%94%D0%9F%D0%A0-%D0%A2%D0%92

  10. Молитва у поміч. Піп у московії навчає заряджати автомат… (Prayer to help. Pope in moscovy teaches how to load a machine gun). URLhttp://surl.li/dplwm

  11. Памʼятки історії та культури Нікопольського району (за матеріалами “Зводу памʼяток історії та культури України”). Дніпро: Видавництво Журфонд, 2017. С.53.

  12. Портников Віталій. медведєв і Сатана. Що означає заява про нову мету війни росії проти України? // Радіо Свобода. – 05.11.2022. URL: https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/medvedyev-i-satana/32116341.html

  13. Пособие по истории отечества для поступающих в вузы. 2-е изд.: Учеб. пособие. / Ред. коллегия: Орлов А.С., Полунов А.Ю., Шестова Т.Л., Щетинов Ю.А.М.: Простор, 2004. С. 70, 87.

  14. Просторікування московитського попа про справедливість покарання України (Moscovite popes ranting about the justice of punishment of Ukraine). URLhttp://surl.li/dphvv.

  15. Солженицын Александр. россия в обвале. М.: русский путь, 1998. 208 с. URL: https://imwerden .de/pdf/solzhenitsyn_rossiya_v_obvale_1998__ocr.pdf; https://www.litmir.me/br/?b=651035&p=20

  16. Соловьев. История россии с древнейших времен. URL: http://surl.li/dovgc

  17. Чаадаєв П.Я. Філософічні листи. Апологія божевільного. Уривки та різні думки (1828-1850-ті роки) / Упорядник М.Г. Житарюк (Переклад з російської М.Г. Житарюка, В.А. Житарюк). Львів, 2005. – 168 с. URL: https://journ.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/chaadayev.pdf; https://www.twirpx.com/file/768817/

1 From the beginning of the invasion in Ukraine (and till Ukraine’s victory) as most of colleagues in mass media I on principle write with a small letter names of an aggressor: russia, rf, rassysts, putin, moscow.

 Doctor of Science in Social Communications, Full Professor, Head of Department of Foreign Press and Information Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine, https://orcid.org/0000-000 2-5690-5701

 Master of Journalism, translation from Ukrainian, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3570-4521

2 медведев: Мы восстали против властелина ада и приобрели сакральную мощьURLhttps://eadaily. com/ru/news/2022/11/04/medvedevmyvosstaliprotivvlastelinaadaipriobrelisakralnuyumoshch

3 медведев, дмитрий анатольевичURLhttp://surl.li/aixfb

4 Памʼятки історії та культури Нікопольського району (за матеріалами “Зводу памʼяток історії та культури України”). Дніпро: Видавництво “Журфонд”, 2017. С.53.

5 З творів Ібнфадлаллаха Еломарі // Збірка матеріалів, що належать до історії Золотої Орди. СПб., 1884. Т. 1.

6 Мобилизация. жириновский знал // ЛДПР-ТВ. URLhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h2Mkefp RwBc&ab_channel=%D0%9B%D0%94%D0%9F%D0%A0-%D0%A2%D0%92

7 медведев: Мы восстали против властелина ада и приобрели сакральную мощьURLhttps://ea daily.com/ru/news/2022/11/04/medvedevmyvosstaliprotivvlastelinaadaipriobrelisakralnuyumoshch

8 Пособие по истории отечества для поступающих в вузы. 2-е изд.: Учеб. пособие. / Ред. коллегия: Орлов А.С., Полунов А.Ю., Шестова Т.Л., Щетинов Ю.А.М.: Простор, 2004. С. 70, 87.

9 Костенко Ірина, Халупа Ірина. Як московія стала росією? До 300-ліття “викрадення” назви українського народу // Радіо Свобода. 2021. 21 жовт. URL: https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/ukrayinarusimoskoviya /31521000.html

10 Right there.

11 Right there.

12 КарамзинИстория государства российского. URL: http://surl.li/doveu

13 Соловьев. История россии с древнейших времен. URL: http://surl.li/dovgc

14 Костенко Ірина, Халупа Ірина. Як московія стала росією?

15 Брикнер Александер. История петра великого. Т. 1-2. СПб., 1882.

16 Цит. за: Костенко Ірина, Халупа Ірина. Як московія стала росією?

17 Солженицын Александр. россия в обвале. м.: русский путь, 1998. 208 с. URL: https://imwerden. de/pdf/solzhenitsyn_rossiya_v_obvale_1998__ocr.pdf; https://www.litmir.me/br/?b=651035&p=20

18 Philosophical works of Pyotr Chaadaev were banned in tsarist russia, and the author himself was declared as a madman. These same works became available to the general public during the period of perestroika under Mikhail Gorbachev and during the years of Boris Yeltsin’s rule. They are again banned in putin’s russia.

19 Чаадаєв П. Я. Філософічні листи. Апологія божевільного. Уривки та різні думки (1828-1850-ті роки) / Упорядник М. Г. Житарюк (Переклад з російської М. Г. Житарюка, В. А. Житарюк). Львів, 2005. – 168 с. URL: https://journ.lnu.edu.ua/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/chaadayev.pdf; https:// www.twirpx.com/file/768817/

20 Заяви в. путіна 22.11.2022 р. URL: https://web.telegram.org/k/#-1172830166. Див. і відео: http:// surl.li/douih.

21 Right there.

22 Right there.

23 Right there.

24 медведев: Мы восстали против властелина ада и приобрели сакральную мощьURLhttps:// eadaily.com/ru/news/2022/11/04/medvedevmyvosstaliprotivvlastelinaadaipriobrelisakralnuyumoshch

25 Просторікування московитського попа про справедливість покарання України (Moscovite popes ranting about the justice of punishment of Ukraine). URL: http://surl.li/dphvv.

26 Молитва у поміч. Піп у московії навчає заряджати автомат… (Prayer to help. Pope in moscovy teaches how to load a machine gun…). URLhttp://surl.li/dplwm

27 медведев: Мы восстали против властелина ада и приобрели сакральную мощьURLhttps:// eadaily.com/ru/news/2022/11/04/medvedevmyvosstaliprotivvlastelinaadaipriobrelisakralnuyumoshch

28 Right there.

29 russia’s new ally provides more reliable and powerful support for aggressor country than USA does for Ukraine – Piontkovskiy // ТСН. 06.11.2022. URL: https://tsn.ua/en/ato/russia-s-new-ally-provides-more-reliable-and-powerful-support-for-aggressor-country-than-usa-does-for-ukraine-piontkovskiy-2 196001.html; укр.: https://tsn.ua/politika/rosiyaznayshladlyasebenadiynishogotamogutnishogosoyuznikanizhsshadlyaukrayinipiontkovskiy-2195575.html

30 медведев: Мы восстали против властелина ада и приобрели сакральную мощьURLhttps:// eadaily.com/ru/news/2022/11/04/medvedevmyvosstaliprotivvlastelinaadaipriobrelisakralnuyumoshch

31 Right there.

32 Right there.

33 Портников Віталій. медведєв і Сатана. Що означає заява про нову мету війни Росії проти України? // Радіо Свобода. – 05.11.2022. URL: https://www.radiosvoboda.org/a/medvedyev-i-satana/32116341.html

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